Goodbye, Old Friend

Goodbye, Old Friend

As I look out my office window, there is suddenly more sunlight streaming through the panes than ever before. In just a few short months, the landscape has changed markedly and is forever transformed. The change was not one that anyone on campus anticipated or wanted,...
A Little Disruption

A Little Disruption

The other day at my eldest son’s club sporting event, I overheard him talking with some of his teammates, most of whom go to Concord High School. In response to a question or comment I did not hear, my son, a ninth grader at Shaker Road School, said, “There are only...
Summer “Vacation” for SRS Faculty

Summer “Vacation” for SRS Faculty

Most of us have seen the humorous quips about teachers’ energy levels by the end of the school year or the video posts on Facebook, but what happens when summer actually begins? To be honest, there is a fair amount of decompressing and enjoying the sun, but for most...
Giving Back to the SRS Community: A Parent’s Perspective

Giving Back to the SRS Community: A Parent’s Perspective

Last weekend, the Wild, Wild West descended on Shaker Road School’s auditorium as part of the Socially Shaker event series. The evening’s festivities were attended by more than 120 parents, teachers, and friends of the school…all in an effort to bring the community...
Educating Our Educators – Lifelong Learning at SRS

Educating Our Educators – Lifelong Learning at SRS

Teachers arrive at Shaker Road School each morning ready for a full day of instruction and guidance with their students. This is one aspect of a teacher’s professional life. After the final “bell,” teachers enter another important aspect of their lives as educators:...