Life at SRS
Building Traditions Together
The Shaker Road School community has a legacy of strong traditions that bring together our extended family of faculty, students, and parents to celebrate our love of learning inside and outside the classroom. From holiday parties and annual food drives to athletic competitions and art performances, our community is strengthened by having fun together in ways that are truly unique to SRS.

Grandparents’ Day
Every fall, SRS students host a special visiting day for all Grandparents and Grandfriends. The day begins with a gathering of the entire school community for singing, sharing of stories, and student and faculty presentations. Then, the Grandparents are off to visit the classrooms and participate in morning activities.

Pumpkin Stroll
Every Halloween, the SRS campus transforms into a festive, spooky retreat for carved jack o’lanterns. Families, students, teachers, and staff provide hundreds of carved pumpkins that light up the paths throughout the school campus.

Winter Olympics
In the frigid temperatures of February and March, SRS breaks out the sleds and skates and convenes outside for a family filled adventure. Snowman making contests, hot chocolate, snow ball fights, and fun with teachers are just some of the highlights of this event that helps us all get outdoors, breathe some fresh winter air, and meet new friends.

Dance Recital
Ballet, tap, jazz, and hip hop fill the stage of the Concord Auditorium each Spring when the SRS students perform in the annual dance recital. Students who participate in the dance program rehearse throughout the school year to create this amazing performance for the entire school community.

Teacher Talentless Show
What better way to get to know your teachers’ true talents outside of the classroom, than by watching them perform in a school wide mash up of wits and wills?!? From lip sync and magic tricks to silly skits and juggling acts, the SRS staff proves that their talents are second to none. And, throughout the entire performance, students learn that it’s OK to make fun of yourself, to have a sense of humor, and that even teachers can have fun at school.

Spring Fling
As the school year draws to a close, the SRS community gathers under a tent on the school campus to watch, listen, and experience the highlight of the Music Program. Students work together all year in class and through individual music instruction to sing and play instruments in the performance. Each grade, as well as the school chorus, and jazz and rock bands showcase their incredible work in this favorite annual tradition.

Kick Back to the Community
An annual giving back to the community tradition, SRS students create soccer teams to compete in the Kick Back Soccer Tournament. In order to participate, all students are asked to raise a minimal charitable donation. The student community votes on one local community organization that will receive the proceeds raised during the event. Based on age groups, students compete in a day long soccer tournament every spring that is 100% focused on giving back…with a little competitive spirit, cheering for teammates, and fun!