Giving to SRS
At SRS, we believe education combines multiple aspects of learning, both in and outside the classroom. But teaching in this manner isn’t easy—and it can be expensive. It requires qualified, dedicated teachers to inspire learning, a wide variety of academic courses to challenge students, instructional tools to spark creativity, scholarship and financial aid programs to attract students who invigorate our community, and a broad range of arts and athletics to educate the whole child.
Our tuition covers less than 70% of what it costs to educate each SRS student. Your donations enable us to continue to provide outstanding educational experiences via a true community of learning.
We are grateful for your investments in SRS. Ultimately, the greatest gift we can give our students is to surround them with the teachers, peers and resources to nurture their full potential. Your gifts help make this possible. There are a number of ways that you can contribute to the SRS experience.
Annual Gifts to SRS
Your generous annual gifts can be made at any time of year and help provide the highest quality teachers, offer financial aid to deserving students, and maintain exceptional facilities, technology, and outstanding fine arts and athletics programs to prepare students for their futures.
The Robert S. Hicks Scholarship Fund
Named in memory of the late Robert Hicks, original owner of the SRS property and grandfather of current principal, Matthew Hicks. Robert loved children and was dedicated to the success of all SRS students. The fund provides financial assistance to those who may not be able to afford annual tuition. Every year, funds are allocated to deserving students who contribute to making SRS the community of learning that it is today.
The SRS Parent-Teacher Group
The SRS Parent-Teacher Group is a non-profit (501c3) organization comprised of dedicated parents and teachers who work together to raise funds that benefit the entire school community. Over the past several years, the PTG has provided new playground and fitness equipment, smart boards for classrooms, a music recording studio, as well as campus enhancements such as park benches and plantings. The group also organizes school-wide, family oriented activities such as Welcome Back and End of Year picnics, movie nights, and informational sessions with guest speakers on a variety of topics geared towards parents. All donations to the PTG are tax deductible.
Legacy Gift Program
At Shaker Road School, we are dedicated to enhancing our students’ natural enthusiasm for learning through positive social, physical, and academic experiences, while creating a deeper awareness of the world. Our strong community of students, teachers, parents, and loved ones fuels this dedication to lifelong learning both inside and outside of our school walls. This community spirit of nurturing young minds is best symbolized through the Shaker Road School Tree of Life that is located on the wall of our auditorium building.
Every year, new leaves and apples are added to the Tree of Life to honor current and former students, teachers, and members of the Shaker Road School Community with messages of love, support, and appreciation.
All proceeds from the Shaker Road School Tree of Life Legacy Gift Program support the efforts of the Parent Teacher Group. These funds are used to support efforts within the school community, including playground and fitness equipment, teacher tools, campus improvements, and more.
To make a tax-deductible contribution to the Shaker Road School Tree of Life please complete the form below and mail it with a check made out to the Shaker Road School PTG for the appropriate dollar amount to 95 Shaker Road, Concord, NH 03301.