Oct 28, 2019
Chris Kibler is a 2006 Shaker Road School graduate. He went to Deerfield Academy, in Deerfield, MA, and on to George Washington University, in Washington, DC, graduating in 2010. Chris enforces water pollution laws for the local government in Washington, DC....
Oct 28, 2018
During his 7th grade year at SRS, Brennan Corrigan began playing around with language. Seriously playing around. Like, inventing his own language playing around. He quickly realized that language doesn’t develop without culture, so he began inventing a culture–an...
May 1, 2018
For the month of April, my advisory was tasked with writing an article about Independence and Collaboration. My advisees decided to independently write about the different assignments and activities of their Eighth-Grade year and how they used independence and...
Feb 22, 2018
It’s September, 2014. Student Government elections are just around the corner. Izzy Wang faces a tough decision. Does she take a leap and run for fifth grade representative, or play it safe and wait another year to run. She’s excited about the idea of...
Jan 19, 2018
Over several years of discussing November’s citizenship theme, “kindness and empathy,” with my seventh and eighth grade students, I have come to understand a thing: kids who grow up knowing, experiencing, and practicing kindness and empathy can sometimes have trouble...
Dec 23, 2017
It’s time to start thinking about Science Fair at Shaker Road School. Our science fairs do not resemble the sea of trifold boards, stoically tended by students, that you may recall from your childhood. Inquiry is the focus for our students, as they question,...
Nov 2, 2017
Shaker Road School’s Advisory Citizenship Program is at the heart of our social curriculum. During the past decade, we have tweaked, evaluated, and discussed the importance of such a program and its impact on students during their time at SRS and beyond. Over...
Oct 28, 2017
Rachel Newton is a 2006 Shaker Road School graduate. She went to Middlesex School, in Concord, MA, and on to Dartmouth College graduating in 2014. Rachel went to work as a phlebotomist for a year at Dartmouth Hitchcock in Lebanon to get some clinical experience before...
Oct 20, 2017
As I look out my office window, there is suddenly more sunlight streaming through the panes than ever before. In just a few short months, the landscape has changed markedly and is forever transformed. The change was not one that anyone on campus anticipated or wanted,...
Oct 11, 2017
The other day at my eldest son’s club sporting event, I overheard him talking with some of his teammates, most of whom go to Concord High School. In response to a question or comment I did not hear, my son, a ninth grader at Shaker Road School, said, “There are only...
Jul 18, 2017
Most of us have seen the humorous quips about teachers’ energy levels by the end of the school year or the video posts on Facebook, but what happens when summer actually begins? To be honest, there is a fair amount of decompressing and enjoying the sun, but for most...
Feb 16, 2017
Last weekend, the Wild, Wild West descended on Shaker Road School’s auditorium as part of the Socially Shaker event series. The evening’s festivities were attended by more than 120 parents, teachers, and friends of the school…all in an effort to bring the community...
Feb 10, 2017
Teachers arrive at Shaker Road School each morning ready for a full day of instruction and guidance with their students. This is one aspect of a teacher’s professional life. After the final “bell,” teachers enter another important aspect of their lives as educators:...
Oct 28, 2016
Mallori Inzinga is a 2009 Shaker Road School graduate. She went to Miss Porter’s School, in Farmington, Connecticut in 2014, and is currently will enter her senior year at St. Francis Xavier University, Antogonish, Nova Scotia. Last semester Mallori studied abroad in...