Dear Shaker Road School Families,
I hope this email finds you well. It has been an historic week for us all. Despite the challenges we face, it seems that spirits are holding strong and people are making the best of a difficult situation. I wanted to give you a few highlights and updates before the weekend. I will send a more detailed email early next week.
The first week of Shaker “Remote” School seems to have gone well. I commend the teachers, students, and parents for the hard work and patience required to launch remote learning. We appear to be in a far better position than most schools. My own experience “in the classroom” has been quite positive. My history students are able to connect, see and hear each other, and engage in high quality remote learning. They seem happy to come to class and be together virtually. We will continue to learn more in the coming days.
I have asked that all teachers check in with their students or advisees individually at least once per week. For many teachers, those conversations are happening today. I will meet virtually with the teachers to gather feedback from students and parents about academic progress and emotional well-being. Early indications are overwhelmingly positive, but as this situation persists, we need to remain vigilant. The teachers are your go-to with questions and concerns. They will communicate specific concerns and trends, and we will make appropriate adjustments. Of course, feel free to reach out to me directly with specific concerns
Mrs. Morrison has asked me to disseminate a survey to gather information about art supplies at home. If you have any questions, feel free to contact her
Again, after I meet with the faculty, I will reach out with more detailed information. Thank you for your cooperation and patience as we continue to learn together. Have a nice weekend.