Story Time with Miss Debbie and Beary​

​During the typical school year, Shaker Road School teacher/librarian Debbie Potter (“Miss Debbie” to our youngest students) and her friend Beary read aloud to Pre-K through Fourth Grade students on a weekly basis. During the remote learning days of the pandemic, Miss Debbie recorded and shared her read-aloud sessions here.

​The One Inch Boy

Kamishibai Man

The Legend of the Indian Paintbrush

Yak and Gnu

How to Build a Home

Celebrate! It’s Cinco de Mayo!

I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More

The Doorbell Rang

Teddy Bear Picnic Song


The Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Little Blue Truck

The Little Red Pen

We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Strega Nona

Charlie Needs a Cloak

Ladybug Poems

The Gardener

Can I Be Your Dog?

Cold Little Duck, Duck, Duck

