Favorite Songs
This sing-along features the students’ favorite songs. Bring along a stuffie, a scarf, and something that shakes!
Paper Plate Shakers
This sing-along is filled with songs about opposites! Make a paper plate shaker and get ready to make some music!
Oh the places you will go in this sing-along—the farm, the city, and even into outerspace! This week, you’ll be playing castanets for the pony song. Miss Rachel provides easy instructions for making your own out of cardboard and tin or plastic lids. Also, remember to bring along a favorite stuffie for the bouncy lap songs!
This week we’ll be making music by crashing cymbals together! Make some cymbals using paper plates and pipe cleaners. Also, bring along a stuffed animal for some lap songs!
Tin Can Drums
For part of this sing-along we’ll be playing tin can drums! Make one using a tin can, a balloon, and a rubber band.
Rubbing Instruments
To celebrate Earth Day, this week’s session includes songs about animals and plants. You’ll need a “rubbing” instrument, like cardboard with ridges or a spiral-bound notebook that you can drag a wooden spoon along.
Rain Sticks
For this sing-along we’ll be singing rain songs! Make a rain stick to use in the sing-along using a paper towel tube, some tinfoil, rice, and tape! Follow these easy instructions to make a rain stick.
For this sing-along we’ll need a drum. Make your own drum with some wooden spoons and a bowl!
Shaking Sounds
Find something that makes a shaking sound for this Sing-Along! It could be a box of pasta or a sippy cup or plastic container with a lid filled with rice.
Tapping with Spoons
For this sing-along we’ll need two kitchen spoons for tapping!
Videos and Photos from YOU!