The Heron's View Blog

Back to School Video

Back to School Video

Dear Families, Please follow the link below to see a video of changes to our check in and classroom procedures for the 2020-2021 school year.  We hope this video is helpful as students prepare to return to campus next Tuesday! SRS 2020 Back to School Video We can’t...

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Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year

Welcome to the 2020-2021 School Year

Dear SRS Families, Despite the unknowns before us, we are excited to return to school on September 8, 2020. As described in the previously emailed information about reopening school, this will be a very different year; however, the core of who we are in the Shaker...

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2020-2021 School Year Plan

Dear Shaker Road School Families, We hope this correspondence finds you healthy and safe. It has been a busy summer so far at Shaker Road School. We have been fortunate that our early childhood and summer programs returned in June. It is amazing how heartening it has...

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Planning for Fall

Planning for Fall

Dear Kindergarten through 8th Grade Families, I hope you are having a relaxing summer. We are hard at work preparing for next school year. Before we finalize plans, we are still waiting on applicable guidelines from the DOE, DHHS, and Governor Sununu. Please know that...

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Covid-19 Update from Shaker Road School

Covid-19 Update from Shaker Road School

Dear Shaker Road School Families, Wrapping up 2019-2020 We are putting together the final pieces for the 2019-2020 school year. What a year it has been. We take great pride in what our Shaker community has accomplished this year, particularly considering the...

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Remote Learning Update 5

Dear Shaker Road Community, Despite not being together and record breaking cold, our students continue to shine. May is always a tough month to maintain focus, but all reports from teachers indicate that Shaker Road School students continue to come to class, engage in...

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Summer Session Update

Dear Camp Shaker Families, We are writing to you with an update regarding the Summer 2020 season at Camp Shaker. At this time, we do plan to host summer camp, if possible.  We are in communication with the State of NH Youth Camp Program, NH DHHS and following Governor...

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Remote Learning Update 4

Dear Shaker Road School Families, Before we take a break next week for April Vacation, I wanted to touch base with you about our plans for the month of May. We are working hard to plan for remote learning through the end of the school year. Much of this is in the...

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Remote Learning Update 3

Dear Shaker Road School Families, As always, I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy. It remains eerily quiet on campus, but our grounds crew is hard at work turning winter into spring. Green grass is poking through the thatch, and the day lilies are...

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