P ’19, ‘20

Maryellen is a parent of two Shaker Road School graduates, Benjamin ’19 and Hannah ’20. Maryellen earned a BA from Tulane University and a MA from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Her experience as a former teacher brings another strong educator mind to the Advisory Board. When she thinks about SRS, Maryellen appreciates how the school cares about developing students with character and respect. This is one of the reasons she believes families should consider SRS; another being the strong community environment. Maryellen agreed to serve on the Advisory Board to give back to a school that provided space for her children to be their authentic selves and thrive. After joining the Board, she has learned how closely the faculty works together and how hard they work for the benefit of the students. Maryellen is an avid reader and student of foreign languages. In her spare time, she loves to travel, do Pilates, and spend time with family and friends.