This year, our annual SRS art show is virtual and features work from our First through Eighth Grade students. Students have selected their favorite pieces for the show and are excited to share them with you, along with their reasons for choosing them!
Each grade has been grouped into a video presentation. Use your pause button to read the artists’ statements and take a closer look at the artwork!
We look forward to an in-person school-wide show in 2023!

Meet our art instructor, Mrs. Morrison!
Barbara Morrison has a B.A. from State University College at Potsdam, NY, and has been teaching at Shaker Road School since 1995. Mrs. Morrison strives to expose students to many art mediums and to help them make choices to create art based on their personal preferences. Mrs. Morrison also teaches technology and golf at SRS.
Mrs. Morrison was selected as the New Hampshire Art Educators’ Association 2010-2011 Teacher of the Year. She has also served as the Central Region representative on their board.
In her spare time, Mrs. Morrison enjoys quilting, jewelry-making, and pottery. One of her favorite traditions is creating a small craft for all the SRS teachers and staff during the winter holiday season.