Late last week as I helped Student Government prepare for the annual Middle School Halloween dance, I paused and realized October was nearly over. Compared to last year, this is a positive change. The school year has returned to its typical active flow. Since opening day, we have welcomed back soccer games, cross country meets, field trips, Back-to-School Night, dances, Halloween parties, and the Jack-O-Lantern Stroll. Though some of these events have taken on a new look, their return has been wonderful. This feeling is evident on campus each day in the high morale of our community: happy and busy families and faculty. With the stress of last fall fading into history, our school traditions that make Shaker Road School so special signals even better days ahead.

Middle School Halloween Dance

Pre-Kindergarten Trick-or-Treat
School traditions are an integral part of creating and maintaining a positive school climate, which in turn supports a feeling of belonging, contentment, and safety for all in the community. Last year we were forced to focus more on physical safety at the exclusion of traditions. We were aware of the challenges to the social and emotional well-being of students, faculty, and parents but could do little but make our best attempts at finding different ways to gather and celebrate. Even when successful, they often felt forced and fell short. If “absence makes the heart grow fonder,” it is no wonder why we are all so happy this fall. As evidenced by lively (and LOUD) buses to field trips and games, the excitement to finally visit classrooms on Back-to-School Night, and the ear-to-ear smiles at the Jack-o-Lantern Stroll, WE NEEDED THIS.

Jack-O-Lantern Stroll

Middle School Soccer
Not everything will return to normal until the pandemic is over, but signs are favorable. The winds have shifted, our traditions are returning, and my goodness how wonderful it is to see everyone again. See you soon at the next event. I can’t wait.