Summer Session

Pre-Registration / Waitlist
How do I know which group my child is in?
All of our camp divisions are based on the grade campers will enter in the fall of the following school year.
What are the divisions called?
Minis are campers entering grade 1 or 2, Rookies are campers entering grades 3 or 4, Juniors are campers entering grades 5 or 6, Seniors are campers entering grades 7, 8, or 9.
Is there a waitlist for Summer Session?
Yes. The waitlist begins in September for the following summer. The waitlist does not carry over from one summer to the next.
How do I get my child on the waitlist?
Fill out the Inquiry Form or call the SRS office to add your name to the list.
When will we be notified of openings?
Once we have returning camper schedules, we will call people on the waitlist. It is usually April before we know of any openings.
Will I be able to get all of the classic camp days or specialty camps I want if I am on the waitlist?
Many of the specialty camps and classic camp days fill up quickly. We will inform you which camps/days are available once you are called on the waitlist.
How does the waitlist work?
The waitlist is based on the specific camp groups. For instance, if there are openings in the Rookie group, we will call those who are entering grades 2-3 in order of date of call.
Do I automatically have an opening the following summer once my child has attended?
We will send re-enrollment letters to any campers that have attended the prior summer unless there was an issue with prompt payment or camper behavior.
When can I expect my re-enrollment letter?
We will send letters out during the month of February and provide one month to reply.
What do I do once I get the letter?
The letter will direct you online to Ultra Camp in order to complete registration forms.
What information do I need to send in?
All registration materials including medical history, immunization, allergy, and camper information forms can be completed and/or uploaded to the Ultra Camp website.
Specialty Camps
What are Specialty Camps?
Specialty Camps are optional and occur 2-5 days during specified weeks from either 9:00am-12:00pm or 9:00am-3:00pm depending on the specialty camp or age division.
Classic Camp
What is Classic Camp?
Classic Camp is good ol’ camp fun where campers play games, do arts and crafts, swim etc. Classic camp is offered everyday during and after Specialty Camps. Campers not registered for a Specialty camp will participate in Classic Camp. There are some weeks where only Classic Camp is offered.
Is there a minimum number of days for a Classic Camp week we need to attend? If you elect to participate in Classic Camp, you will be required to register for a minimum of 2 days/week.
How many days per week can I register for?
You can register for 2-5 days/week unless you are participating in a Specialty Camp. Just remember, whatever you register for, you pay for.
Are there directions for filling out the registration contract?
Registration forms are located online at Ultra Camp. A link is provided for returning campers in camp letters emailed in February and to new accepted off the waitlist.
Can I make changes to my registration contract?
There will be a specific date indicated for changes which is usually about a month after the initial registration deadline. After that date you will not be allowed to subtract days from your contract. You can sometimes swap or add days if there is availability but you must call to authorize such changes.
How will I get billed or pay for what I have contracted for?
Once your contract is finalized we will total up the number of days you have selected and any added charges. The total amount is then split into three payments that are due each month (June 15th, July 15th, August 15th). Payments can be mailed or brought into the main office.
How do I pay for an added day?
Any days added will be charged at the end of the summer.
Is there a discount for siblings?
There is a $2.00 discount for each additional sibling.
Camp Store
Do you serve lunch or snack?
Campers are responsible for bringing all of their food and drinks for the day unless they are planning to purchase items from the Camp Store.
What does the Camp Store offer?
The camp store offers a variety of lunch and snack items such as pizza, pretzels, cookies and juices.
When is the store open?
The store is open during our business hours, 7:00 AM – 5:30 PM.
When do campers go to the store?
Campers have the option to go to the store during their two snack breaks as well as lunch.
Do the campers need cash for the store?
NO, please do not send cash with your camper! Debit cards can be purchased in the store by cash, credit or check and will be left in there for safe keeping. Each time a camper buys something, it will be deducted from their card. The card will go home when it is gone. Parents may also want to check in with the store staff to check the balance on their camper’s card.
Can I put restrictions on what and how much my camper spends in the store?
Yes, the store staff will help you put whatever restrictions you wish on your camper’s account.
What to Bring
What does my camper need to bring on a daily basis?
Campers should wear a facemask every day. It may be helpful to pack extra masks so they can be swapped out throughout the day. Campers should bring a bathing suit, towel, lunch, snacks and drinks, and SUNSCREEN with them every day. A hat and/or sunglasses are optional.
Are there any rules about footwear?
Campers are required to wear footwear that securely fastens to their foot. Sneakers are best but Keen sandals (or the like) are also acceptable. NO CROCS (or the like), and NO FLIP FLOPS!
Drop Off / Pick Up
Where and when do I drop my camper off?
Drop off is at The Birdhouse. We ask that campers arrive no earlier than 7:00 am and no later than 8:30-8:45 because the first activity starts at 9:00 sharp!
Where and when do I pick my camper up?
Pick up is at The Birdhouse. Someone will be there with a walkie-talkie to call your camper down to meet you. The last activity ends at 4:00 but you can pick your camper up at any time before 5:30 pm.
What if my camper has an ‘off campus’ appointment during the day?
Whenever you come to pick up there should be someone at The Birdhouse who can help find your camper.
What if my camper doesn’t want to stay for classic camp after they complete specialty camp in the morning?
Half-day specialty camps end at 12:00pm, you can pick up then at the Camp Store but there is no half-day rate available.
What if we arrive late to camp?
Someone will be at The Birdhouse to help your camper find their group.
Swim Lessons
When will my camper have swimming lessons?
Each camper will have lessons 2x/week depending on the days they are contracted for and their ability level. Fridays are reserved for make-up lessons, testing and free swim.
Are swim lessons required?
All campers must take swim lessons until they have tested out of the program. If a camper does not take lessons, they will not be allowed to free swim at camp or on field trips.
What is Olympics week?
Olympics week is one of the most popular weeks of the summer. Campers break into different groups under the name of a country and compete in a variety of games.
If my child is registered for this week, do they have to participate in the Olympic events?
Yes, this week is dedicated to Olympic events.
Do the events run all day?
Yes, the events should run between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm with a break for lunch.
Lake Trips to "Grammy's Camp"
Where is Grammy’s camp?
Grammy’s camp is a small, private cottage on Lake Winnisquam in Belmont, NH.
What will they do at Grammy’s camp?
Campers will swim, play games in the field, paddle, and maybe even go for a boat ride.
When do trips leave?
Trips to Grammy’s Camp leave at 9:00 and return no later than 4:00.
What days will my camper go to Grammy’s Camp?
Lake trips for the 2023 season are posted on UltraCamp.
What do they need to bring?
Campers will need to bring two snacks, a lunch, water, sunscreen, and their swim stuff!
What if the weather is poor and they cannot go or have to leave early?
If the weather is poor, campers will stay on campus for the day. We may try to reschedule the trip but it is not always possible. If they are at the lake and the weather gets bad, they will return early.