Grade Levels
Expanding Knowledge
The elementary school years (grades 3-5) provide a transition from primary to middle school. Students mature from acquiring academic and social skills to applying them in all areas of school life. As in previous grades, reading and mathematics are personalized through flexible groupings, and other courses increase in complexity as students continue to be challenged academically and socially. The elementary program focuses on specific outcomes, including learning both independently and collaboratively, developing strong organizational and time-management skills, and practicing positive citizenship.
Students continue to learn in a modified self-contained model that allows them to move among academic groupings during the morning hours. The strategic increase of time spent on technology, world language, and courses such as music, art, and extra-curricular activities provides a strong foundation for students to develop responsibility and independence before entering middle school. For example, technology classes offered in third and fourth grade transition to 1-to-1 computing in fifth grade. Similarly, third graders have more opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities and by fifth grade are expected to begin fulfilling school requirements.