Grade Level
First Year at SRS

B.S. Business Management, New Hampshire College | Early Childhood Education Certification, NHTI | Courses at New England College and Springfield College

What I strive to teach students

To develop a better understanding of how to look at the world, and why things happen. As part of our Trout in the Classroom Program, students get first-hand experience with a life-cycle and the importance of watershed protection.

School Activities

Bus Driver, Soccer Coach, Golf Coach, Cross Country Running Coach, Summer Program Golf, After School Activities, Eighth Grade Washington Trip Coordinator, Drama and Dance Production Assistant, Recycling on Campus, and Bringing leprechaun cheer to all!

Personal Interests

Running, Biking, Skiing, Snowshoeing, Camping, Kayaking, Classical Music, Theater, All New England Sports, My Daughters

What I love about SRS

I have been a part of Shaker Road School since its inception. When Doug and Patti started the school, they chose “loving, learning, and caring” as the motto. Nearly 40 years later, these themes hold true. We strive to offer students and families a true sense of professionalism, a caring concern for every student’s well-being, and friendliness that allows families and students to feel safe and important while learning.